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Educational smart class is a technology oriented initiative for schools. It provides tools and contents for inter-active self-paced learning by students. Smart class is available for teacher and students over the web, and can also be installed on the school's local server for faster and more reliable access to the content.
The content available consists of peda- gogically sound and visually rich curriculum resources. This content can be streamed into the classroom and shown by teachers in the classroom to make abstract concepts real and class.
What is its purpose?
The purpose of the smart class program is to empower teachers with technology right inside their classroom. The program enables teachers to use digital resources such as graphics, animations, 3D images and video clips in addition to the chalk and talk methods of teaching in their day to day teaching life. This results in a completely new multi- sensory learning experience for students and helps them to improve their academic performance. This way classrooms turns into lively learning platforms for students and the teachers.